Monday, April 20, 2009

Did you remember to put the windows up?

Not that I think it would have mattered in this case. We left sunny Florida on sunday morning and this is what we went through in AL. This is construction along I-65 North in Birmingham. I am sure that when the road crew came back to work this morning they were a little surprised to say the least. A small tornado had come through just prior to us getting there, it had taken down a bill board on the southbound side and part of it was on the northbound side. The rain was unbelievable, you can see where it is starting to come out into the road. We heard on the news that there was damage just east of us. By the time we had gotten to our place up there it was pretty much all over with, just a light drizzle, but lots of puddles.
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hello Everyone

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend. We spent the weekend in Alabama. It was a little cool, but nice. We had a wonderful Easter dinner with Susan's family and went to Robert and Susan's church for Easter Service. After dinner was the Easter egg hunt with real eggs, I think at last count there was only one missing, I'm sure it will be found over the next couple of weeks...eewww. We are coming to Florida for the weekend as far as I know. It will be nice to be home for a day or two and get to see everyone.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tagged - 7 things

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Share 7 things that people may not know about you.
3. Tag 7 people to share 7 things and link to them.
4. Let them know they have been tagged.

Okay, Meredith tagged me... so here goes:

1. The most important relationship in my life in the one I have with God, that makes all my other relationships stronger, better and more fulfilling.
2. I have been married 3 times, but I never knew true love until I met and married Adolph. We have been married for almost 18 years.
3. I am a pack rat. We have a 4 stall garage that has no room for a car and a 20 X 40 shed that is full. I get it honest, my mom is a pack rat also.
4. Most music can move me to tears, but I can't sing to save my life.
5. I am very gullible. I trust to easily and it has got me into trouble and cost me a bunch of money, but I figure anyone who takes advantage of me will have to answer for it some day.
6. I only eat one color of jelly beans at a time, and I don't eat black ones, purple ones or green ones.
7. I do not like to fly and will only do so in emergencies.

Catch up again

Okay, I'm has been another busy week. We brought mom up to AL for a visit and the pollen reaked havoc with her breathing, so she was only able to stay one full day and then back to FL to see the doctor. We made it home for Lisa's wedding (had a great time..thanks) on Saturday the 28th, and then on Sunday I ended up taking mom to the hospital. She had not gotten any better so they admitted her. She spent 4 days there. We left on sunday afternoon and delivered in Northern AL on Sunday night and was back in Crystal River at lunch time monday. Tuesday we went down to Tampa and picked up our 5th wheel. Mom came home from
the hospital on Wednesday and we left for AL on friday. We spent the weekend getting setup up there and went back to work on Monday. We love our little home away from home.