Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Our Grandkids

We had planned a trip to MI to see Mickey and the grandkids, Tyler, Celina and Shane. We were suppose to leave this Thursday and come back on Monday, but it just so happened that we got a load going to Lansing last Monday, which is only about 60 miles from where Mickey lives, so we cancelled our trip for this week and ended up getting paid to go up there and come back....so how cool is that. For the most part, this job is working out pretty dang good. The good news is that it is a regular run now, so we can go visit just about anytime we want. These are pictures of our grandkids at the hotel swimming pool. They love it when we come to town, they always plan one day to come to the hotel and go swimming. They have been in that pool with snow on the ground outside. For those of you that don't know, Mickey is my step daughter, but she has been my step daughter since she was 8 years old. Our relationship was a little strained at first, but what 8 year old wants her dad to be married to someone besides her mom. Over the years, it finally became clear to her that her mom and dads divorce had nothing to do with me. I didn't even know Adolph at the time. So we have be able to build a friendship of mutual love and respect. I told her when she was a teenager, that I didn't want to be her mom, she had a mom, but I did want to be her dads wife. I never pushed her, I let her define our relationship on her own terms and in her own time, but let me tell you the first time she called me mom, I cried like a baby. Now I have three little ones that call me Grandma and it is the sweetest sound I have ever heard.

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